Major Coffee: Let's Get Dirty with Dirty Pop Cards

Let's Get Dirty With Dirty Pop Cards
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, hobbies, etc)
I’m not the typical founder/CEO that one would expect behind the brand, Dirty Pop Cards. Hi everyone, I’m Thao, I’m a first generation Vietnamese American, born and raised in Arizona. I received my Bachelor’s in accounting at the Arizona State University, but none of my jobs have been in my field of study, ha, that’s no surprise! I’ve only had 1 real job in my life where I worked for someone (JCPenney) and I have now started 3 businesses in 3 different fields, business, retail, and e-commerce. In my spare time, I love to spend time with my fiancé and our 2 fur babies (May & Butters), whether it’s at home or out exploring the outdoors together.
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